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How long should your rolls last?

The last week or so I’ve been delving deeper into my training methodology.

I get asked a lot about my own training. What I do. What I try to avoid. There are levels to this.

I will say that what works for me (specifically) might not work for you. But the concepts behind the training can be useful. No matter what I say or suggest. I leave it up to you to experiment.

Figure out what works best for you.

Short Rounds

I consider short round to be any training time less than or equal to 3 minutes.

I covered shorter rounds a little in my last post about the shark tank training.

But the major concept behind shorter rounds is to really push your conditioning and to help you step up your pace.

With a short round, you don’t have time to play it safe or to wait for the perfect opportunity. You have to be more proactive in getting where you want to be.

I also like to use shorter rounds when introducing rolling to newer students. That way they won’t gas out from not having the proper conditioning and it’s really not a lot of time for them to get in a bad position and get frustrated.

Long Rounds

I would consider long rounds any training rounds 10 minutes or longer.

While shorter rounds are designed to push your conditioning.

Long rounds are also physically draining. You’re endurance becomes a greater factor as well as the strategy you use.

Everyone can push hard and do well for 30 seconds. But not everyone can survive a 10 minute match. Let alone multiple 10 minute matches.

With longer rounds, it really tests your mental fortitude or grit.

Having to rely on your technique and not just speed or power.

Learning when to push and when to hold positions are all skills that longer rounds can help you to develop.

Long Rounds vs Short Rounds

Some academies swear by short rounds while others promote the 6 rounds of 10 minutes as being the best tournament training method.

I’ve experimented with both methods in training and I’m sure a combination of the two is optimal for improving.

During my off season or non-tournament training I will typically training 6 or 8 minute long rounds. Aiming for 5-8 rounds.

However, I will typically favor shorter rounds to help prepare myself for competitions. Especially, as the competition draws closer. Possibly 1-2 weeks before the tournament. I will try to maintain the same intensity but I will begin to lower the training time. This is a form of periodization. 


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