During my last post I covered in detail the 7 different learning styles and how you can improve your retention of techniques by focusing more on your dominant learning style(s).
It seems a natural progression to move on from the topic of learning styles to feedback (giving and receiving it) and the role that it plays in your Jiu Jitsu game.
Getting feedback from training partners and instructors is an important aspect in the life of a martial artist. Feedback is how we correct holes in our games. Feedback is how we help our training partners get better. Feedback keeps us honest and humble.
I was teaching a three day seminar earlier this year and for some reason over the course of those few days I kept bringing up the importance of giving feedback. I didn’t think of it before hand, but you never know when insight will strike. Sometimes you just have to run with it.
But back on topic.
Giving feedback is a way of letting your partner know if their technique is good or if they are missing some key details and vice versa.
Positive and Negative Feedback
There is no bad feedback. It’s only how receptive you are to the feedback and your reaction to it. Whether you will take it to heart and use it to improve your game or let it fall on deaf ears is up to you.
Positive Feedback – Affirming comments about past behavior. Pointing out strengths and praising them for it.
Negative Feedback – Corrective comments about past behavior. Pointing out where improvement is needed and suggesting things that they can do to change their performance.
Examples of feedback
Everyone in Jiu Jitsu has received feedback over the course of their training. Like when you are trying to master a cross choke but you haven’t quite gotten the move down so you change your grip and try the choke again. But your partner doesn’t tap right away so you have to adjust your grip again and repeat until it works effectively.
Or when your partner is working a toreando pass but it’s missing some details so you have them do it on you until they are able to address the different ways that you were able to stave off their pass.
These are both forms of giving feedback and when I think about it this might be the best way to learn and to improve in Jiu Jitsu.
Feedback: information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
Giving feedback and being able to receive feedback is how you grow in Jiu Jitsu and I’m sure this holds true for other parts of your life as well.
Every time you step into your academy you are receiving feedback in some form or another.
Feedback from your instructor
When you are learning techniques you receive feedback from your instructor in the form of them leaving you alone if you are correctly performing the technique well or them giving you even more detailed instruction if you’ve mastered the move set. The flip side of this is when you are not performing the technique well. The instructor will spend more time going over the move again and will keep a closer eye on you throughout the class.
Feedback from your training partners
Jiu Jitsu is built on receiving feedback from your training partner and using that information to improve your technique.
If your move or attack is ineffective, your training partner is the first to let you know.
Then you are able to calibrate your technique for a better response. If not, you keep trying and reworking the key details of the move until it works.
If your move or technique is effective, your training partner will be the first person to let you know.
And you are able to move on to the next move, and when that move gives you trouble or is just a little bit off. You begin the process of calibrating all over again.
As much as we like to think of Jiu Jitsu as a solo art form. At its core it is a collective activity. Without the feedback from your training partners and them allowing you to practice your skills on their bodies there would be no Jiu Jitsu.
Feedback from tournaments
Tournaments are important because they are the fairest test of your techniques and abilities. You are given as equal footing as realistically possible. You are matched against same sized, similarly aged, similarly skilled opponents and set to compete.
Now if only all parts of life were that fair!
During a competition you receive so much feedback, all in real time. You try a move and if it is successful you are positively rewarded with a better position, points, a submission, or medal. If unsuccessful, you risk losing position, your opponent being rewarded points, getting submitted, or not receiving a medal.
Regardless of how you do. The experience from one tournament alone could be worth weeks or even months of regular training in your academy and there lies the value of understanding and effectively utilizing feedback. It’s literally a way of hacking your Jiu Jitsu so that you are able to progress even faster.
Open Communication
Before I started training full-time, I worked part-time as an educator for a well known athletic apparel brand. That means I got to help ladies pick out the perfect pair of stretchy pants while wearing my favorite Jiu Jitsu t-shirts and athletic apparel. Not a bad job really.
But one thing that was always emphasized was this idea of open communication. I’m sure my readers that are in the corporate world have heard of this term before while being exposed to team building exercises. But for those that aren’t as familiar with this term. Open communication is the free flow of information regardless of ability, seniority, or position.
Because we spent so much focus on open communication we became accustomed to giving and receiving feedback so that everyone on our staff was on the same page at all times.
In the academy this would mean instructors being able to openly communicate with students and students being able to communicate openly to the instructor and other students.
Open Communication
Training partners are encouraged to share their thoughts and concerns, both good and bad, without worry of retaliation from other students and/or instructors when feedback is negative.
What usually happens
What happens a lot with beginners and lower belts is that they often won’t give detailed feedback as they might not have the knowledge to identify when a move is not being applied correctly.
This also happens when you have a higher belt paired up with a lower belt, but the higher belt doesn’t do the technique properly.
Again, most lower belts won’t speak up out of respect for the hierarchy of rank. Allowing the higher belt to continue practicing the move improperly.
When you have an academy built on open communication it is much easier for students to give feedback without worry of unsettling their training partners or more senior students. This feedback will only make your training partners, students, and your academy better.
But this change has to come from the top from instructors and the heads of the academy.
Giving Feedback
Everyone can give feedback. In fact every time a training partner performs a technique on you is an opportunity for you to give them feedback.
Yes! That move worked well.
No! Try repositioning your body to your side.
When giving feedback there are a few tips that will help you NOT come off as an asshole or a know-it-all.
Timing of Feedback
Balanced Feedback
Be Specific
Timing of feedback – It’s best to give feedback in real time or during a period when it’s relevant (like immediately after class) versus waiting a full day or longer when it’s less helpful.
Example. Coaching during a match.
Balanced Feedback – Balance both positive and negative feedback. I like to lead with something that the person does well before moving on to areas where they can improve upon.
Specificity – Be specific about the move or detail they should focus on that way they will know exactly what they should be working on.
Being Receptive
Jiu Jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts in the world due to the level of feedback that we absorb throughout our training. Between our training partners, instructors, rolling and getting tapped or doing the tapping. We receive so much information.
Being receptive to feedback is an important part of Jiu Jitsu because it is the only way that you will be able to improve.
Receiving Feedback
Actively listen. Respond and remember what is being said.
Say thanks. Regardless of whether the feedback is useful or not.
Evaluate feedback. Think about how you can effectively apply the feedback to grow your Jiu Jitsu game.
It’s telling that many of best competitors and instructors are also some of the most receptive to feedback. There is only so much time in which you can train. Why not utilize the knowledge and insight gained from your training partners to better yourself?
“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.”
Seeking Feedback
As you get to a higher level of training, I think you will be more proactive in seeking feedback.
Every roll will be a chance for you to collect more data. You try a technique and if it works then good. If not, you use that feedback to improve your technique or your timing or whatever until it does work.
There is no secret to success on the mats but the first step to improving, and this is what separates those who click with Jiu Jitsu on a higher level from those who have a lot of trouble picking up techniques, is all in actively (as opposed to passively) seeking feedback.
The best way to receive feedback is to ask for it.
Ask open ended questions such as:
“I’m having trouble in this specific position. What can I do to improve my chances of getting past it?”
“How can I get this sweep to work if my opponent does this to counter?”
By asking open ended questions you allow the responder to give you a useful, detailed response that you will be able to put into action.
You will always be receiving and giving feedback whether you are aware of it or not.
When you first start training the majority of the feedback that you will receive will come from your training partners and your instructor(s).
But you have to be open to it no matter the source.
Be it your rivals.
Lower belts.
Higher belts.
You want to find balance when giving feedback. Balance both the positive and negative. Of course troubleshoot what needs to be worked on but make sure not overlook the good stuff as well.
At the end of the day the feedback will be there in your training and in your interactions with your training partners and instructors. Though it’s up to you in how receptive you are to it and how you are able to frame it and use it to improve.